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Indicators: Climate change
Indicators: Land
Indicators: Biodiversity
- B1: Threatened species and ecological communities
- B2: Extent and condition of conservation areas
- B3: Representation of threatened species and ecological communities in conservation areas
- B4: Extent and condition of native vegetation
- B5: Distribution and abundance of terrestrial invasive plants and animals
Indicators: Fire
Graphs: Climate change
- ACT mean maximum temperature anomaly (as calculated from the 1961 to 1990 average), 1926 to 2022
- Annual number of hot days in Canberra with maximum temperature above 35°C and 40°C, 1926 to 2022
- ACT mean minimum temperature anomaly (as calculated from the 1961 to 1990 average), 1926 to 2022
- Annual number of days in Canberra with minimum temperature above 15°C, 1926 to 2022
- Annual number of cold nights in Canberra with minimum temperature below 0°C, 1926 to 2022
- ACT annual rainfall anomaly (as calculated from the 1961 to 1990 average), 1900 to 2022
- Total ACT greenhouse gas emissions (CO2-e) 2012–13 to 2021–22 and the 2020 and 2025 target emissions
- ACT annual per capita greenhouse gas emissions (CO2-e) 2012–13 to 2021–22
- Total and sector greenhouse gas emissions in the ACT for 2021–22
- ACT greenhouse gas emissions (CO2-e) by source, 2012–13 to 2021–22
- Main non-electricity sector sources of greenhouse gas emissions (CO2-e) in the ACT, 2012–13 to 2021–22
- Main sources of transport greenhouse gas emissions (CO2-e) in the ACT by fuel type, 2012–13 to 2021–22
Graphs: Human Settlements
- ACT estimated resident population 2013 to 2022 and projected population in 2050
- ACT total ecological footprint (disturbance), 2003–04 to 2021–22
- ACT and Australian per capita ecological footprint (disturbance), 2003–04 to 2021–22
- ACT total carbon footprint (disturbance), 2003–04 to 2021–22
- ACT and Australian per capita carbon footprint (disturbance), 2003–04 to 2021–22
- Household and other contributions to the ACT ecological footprint (disturbance), 2003–04 to 2021–22
- ACT ecological footprint (disturbance) components per capita, 2021–22
- ACT total environmental footprint by expenditure, 2021–22
- ACT total carbon footprint by expenditure, 2021–22
- ACT total and per capita (right axis) electricity demand, 2012–13 to 2021–22
- Sources of renewable electricity generation for the ACT, 2021–22
- Total and sector natural gas use in the ACT and Queanbeyan, 2012–13 to 2021–22
- Waste generation and management, and the percentage of resources recovered (right axis) in the ACT, 2013–14 to 2022–23
- Per capita waste generation and percentage of resources recovered (right axis) in the ACT, 2013–14 to 2022–23
- Waste sent to landfill by sector, 2017–18 to 2022–23
- Number of registered vehicles in the ACT (2010 to 2023) and total kilometres travelled (right axis, 2010 to 2020)
- Registered vehicle types in the ACT, January 2023
- Weekday daily travel mode undertaken in the ACT and Queanbeyan–Palerang region, 2022
- Weekday commute to work by mode for the ACT and Queanbeyan–Palerang region, 2022
- Vehicle fuel type for registered passenger vehicles in the ACT, 2010 and 2023
- Public transport boardings per year and per capita (right axis) for the ACT, 2013–14 to 2022–23
- Bike barometer counts at the juncture between the Sullivan’s Creek shared path and MacArthur Avenue in O’Connor, January 2018 to June 2023
- Total storage volumes for ACT reservoirs and total accessible water storage (right axis), June 2015 to June 2023
- Total inflows to the ACT’s four water storage reservoirs, 2001–02 to 2022–23
- Water consumption in the ACT by user, 2013–14 to 2022–23
- Annual per capita water use in the ACT, 2013–14 to 2022–23
Graphs: Air
- Air Quality Index ratings from the Monash station in Tuggeranong over the 2019–20 summer period
- Daily maximum PM2.5 levels, Monash Station, 2015–2022
- Daily maximum PM2.5 levels, Florey Station, 2015–2022
- Number of PM2.5 exceedances by cause, Monash and Florey Stations, 2015–2022
- Number of PM2.5 exceedances by cause, Monash Station, 2015–2022
- Number of PM2.5 exceedances by cause, Florey Station, 2015–2022
- Annual average PM2.5 levels: Monash and Florey stations, 2015–2022
- Monthly average of daily maximum PM2.5 levels, Monash Station, 2016 to 2022
- Hourly PM2.5 levels over a 24-hour period for five days that exceeded the daily AAQ NEPM standard at the Monash Station
- Hourly PM2.5 levels over a 24-hour period for five days that did not exceed the daily AAQ NEPM standard at the Monash Station
- Monthly sources of PM2.5 air pollution at the Monash Station, January 2017 to September 2018
- Estimated total sources of PM2.5 air pollution in the ACT, January 2017 to September 2018
- Complaints received by the ACT Environment Protection Authority, 2018 to 2022
Graphs: Biodiversity
- Number of species listed as threatened under the Nature Conservation Act 2014, 2023
- Conservation categories in the ACT, 2023
- Reservation of known and potential habitat for selected threatened terrestrial fauna, 2023
- Potential distribution of threatened aquatic fauna in ACT conservation areas, 2023
- Percentage representation of threatened plant locations in conservation areas, 2023
- Percentage representation of Endangered Ecological Communities in reserves, 2023
- Proportion of selected vegetation classes reserved in ACT conservation areas, 2023
- Proportion of selected vegetation communities reserved in ACT conservation areas, 2019 and 2023
- Percentage area of assessed vegetation communities by tolerable fire interval (TFI) status, 2023
- Percentage area of selected native vegetation communities by tolerable fire interval status, 2023
- Percentage area of assessed vegetation communities by growth stage, 2023
- Percentage area of selected native vegetation communities by growth stage, 2023
- Top ten controlled invasive plants in the ACT by area treated, 2019–20 to 2022–23
- Annual number of Eastern Grey Kangaroos culled and number of program sites (right axis), 2009 to 2022
Graphs: Water
- Catchment Health Indicator Program score for catchment reaches, average from 2019 to 2022
- Catchment Health Indicator Program macroinvertebrate score for catchment reaches, average from 2019 to 2022
- Catchment Health Indicator Program riparian score for catchment reaches, average from 2019 to 2022
- Abundance of native and alien fish species in the Cotter River, 2015 to 2023
- Biomass of native and alien fish species in the Cotter River, 2015 to 2023
- Abundance of native and alien fish species in the Cotter River above Corin Dam, 2015 to 2023
- Biomass of native and alien fish species in the Cotter River above Corin Dam, 2015 to 2023
- Abundance of native and alien fish species in the Murrumbidgee River, 2011 to 2023
- Biomass of native and alien fish species in the Murrumbidgee River, 2011 to 2023
- Number of Murray Cod and Golden Perch stocked to Canberra lakes and ponds, 2015 to 2023
- Annual flows as a percentage of the long-term average for the Murrumbidgee River at Lobbs Hole, the Murrumbidgee River at Halls Crossing, the Molonglo River at Oaks Estate, the Cotter River at Gingera, and the Paddys River at Riverlea, 2015 to 2022
- Comparison of annual discharge for the Murrumbidgee River flowing into the ACT (Lobbs Hole) and leaving the ACT (Halls Crossing), 2015 to 2022
- Catchment Health Indicator Program water quality score for catchment reaches, average from 2019 to 2022
- Percentage of total nitrogen concentrations within guideline levels in the total water column of Lake Tuggeranong, 2010 to 2022
- Annual average total phosphorus concentrations in the surface waters of Lake Burley Griffin, 2010 to 2022
- Annual average of the percentage of turbidity samples that exceeded guideline levels in the upper and lower Molonglo River, 2015 to 2022
- Annual average of the percentage of nitrogen samples that exceeded guideline levels in the upper and lower Tuggeranong Creek, 2015 to 2022
- Proportion of days that turbidity samples exceeded the guideline level for the Murrumbidgee River upstream (Lobbs Hole) and downstream (Halls Crossing) of the ACT, 2015 to 2022
- Proportion of the recreational season that Canberra lakes were closed to recreational activities, 2015–16 to 2022–23
- Proportion of the recreational season that Lake Tuggeranong was closed to recreational activities by closure reason, 2015–16 to 2022–23
- Proportion of the recreational season that Lake Ginninderra was closed to recreational activities by closure reason, 2015–16 to 2022–23
- Proportion of the lake Burley Griffin recreation season closed to recreational activities, 2011–12 to 2022–23
- Proportion of the recreation season closed to recreational activities for monitored ACT rivers, 2015–16 to 2022–23
Graphs: Fire
- Area of prescribed burns and bushfires in the ACT, 2003 to April 2022
- Area of prescribed burns by purpose in the ACT, 2009 to 2022
- Area of ecological and cultural prescribed burns in the ACT, 2009 to 2022
- Ignition sources for all ACT bushfires, 2004 to 2022
- Number of days in Fire Danger Rating categories in the ACT, 1994–95 to 2022–23
- ACT mean Fire Danger Index anomaly (as calculated from the 1961 to 1990 average), 1950 to 2022
- Number of days in Fire Danger Rating categories in the ACT, 26 December 2019 to 28 January 2020
- Orroral Valley bushfire spread, 27 January to 10 February
- Change in the number of hectares burnt across a 100 year climate for various fire frequencies
- Increases in emergency department presentations for asthma in the ACT, weekly between 1 September 2019 and 29 February 2020, compared with the same period in 2018-19
- Increases in emergency department presentations for respiratory conditions (bottom) in the ACT, weekly between 1 September 2019 and 29 February 2020, compared with the same period in 2018-19
- Admitted patient hospitalisation rate for mental health related conditions in the ACT from 1 Sep 2019 to 23 Feb 2020
Maps: Biodiversity
- ACT Conservation areas by type, 2023
- Environmental offsets in the ACT, 2023
- Distribution of tolerable fire interval status for selected native vegetation communities in the ACT, 2023
- Distribution of growth stages for selected native vegetation communities in the ACT, 2023
- Kangaroo management areas, 2023
- Current grassland extent compared with estimated pre-European settlement grassland extent
- Current Box Gum Woodland extent compared with estimated pre-European settlement Box Gum Woodland extent
- Extent of Box-Gum woodland in the Western Edge Investigation Area
Maps: Water
- Catchment Health Indicator Program score for catchment reaches, average from 2019 to 2022
- Catchment Health Indicator Program macroinvertebrate score for catchment reaches, average from 2019 to 2022
- Catchment Health Indicator Program riparian score for catchment reaches, average from 2019 to 2022
- Catchment Health Indicator Program water quality score for catchment reaches, average from 2019 to 2022
- Catchments and main rivers in the ACT region
- Significant wetlands in the Canberra region
Maps: Fire
- Area of prescribed fires and bushfires in the ACT, 2015 to 2022
- Orroral Valley bushfire, 2020
- Area burnt in the 2003 and 2020 bushfires, and area burnt by both fires
- Area burnt in the 1983, 2003 and 2020 bushfires
- Area of Southeast Australia burnt in the 2019-20 bushfire season
- Orroral Valley bushfire spread, 27 January to 6 February
- The change in fire frequency in the ACT between current and future climate simulations
Infographics: Climate Change
Infographics: Human Settlements
Infographics: Air
Infographics: Land
Infographics: Biodiversity
Infographics: Water
Case Studies
Case Studies: Climate Change
Case Studies: Human Settlements
Case Studies: Air
Case Studies: Land
Case Studies: Biodiversity
- Bushfire Recovery Research of the Gang-gang Cockatoo
- Canberra Grassland Earless Dragon Program
- Canberra Ornithologists Group’s Woodland Bird Report
- Conserving the Gula (Koala)
- Dieback Among the Gumtrees
- Do We Keep Trees Out of Grasslands?
- Greater Gliders in the ACT
- Post-fire Recovery of Mountain Galaxias
- The Little Victims of Urban Expansion
- The Purple Copper Butterfly: A New Discovery in the ACT
- Superb Parrots in the ACT
Case Studies: Water
Case Studies: Fire
Case Studies: Community
- Bee Friendly Hall
- Buy Nothing
- Chapman Primary
- Citizen Science at Bluetts Block
- Community Toolbox Canberra
- Global Worming
- Landcare and Bushfire Recovery
- Making Sustainability the First Order of Business
- North Ainslie Primary
- Parliament of Youth on Sustainability
- Reflections on Nature
- Repair Cafes in Canberra
- Returning to Our Roots
- Southwell Scout Venturers
- Straight from the Source
- Turning Timber from Trash to Treasure
- Urban Parks and Places
- Zero Emissions, Go Electric